Supercomputer satu juta lebih pantas daripada 1 pc

27 June 2011
A Japanese supercomputer has snatched the title of the world's fastest machine, ending China's brief reign at the top after six months.
The K supercomputer, built by the Fujitsu Company, is as fast as one million desktop computers connected together.
It has more than three times the power than the previous title-holder and is capable of performing eight quadrillion calculations each second.
High-tech: The K supercomputer at Riken's laboratory in Kobe, contains 672 racks with a total of 68,544 CPUs
High-tech: The K supercomputer at Riken's laboratory in Kobe, contains 672 racks with a total of 68,544 CPUs
A quadrillion is one followed by 15 zeroes and in computer jargon the speed is known as 8.2 petaflops.
The previous fastest machine was the Chinese computer Tianhe-1A, which was clocked at 2.507 petaflops and highlighted the emergence of China's growing technological and economic power.
The Tianhe- 1A machine was the first time China had topped the speed list, wrestling the title from the U.S. who had four of the top ten supercomputers.

Experts said the development of the K machine, which is faster than five of its closest competitors combined, marks a giant leap forward in technology.
'It's a very impressive machine - it's a lot more powerful than the other computers,' said Professor Jack Dongarra, who releases a six-monthly list of the world's top supercomputers.
The speed rankings are based by running a standard mathematical equation.
The bragging rights for Japan's K computer, which has cost $1.2bn to develop, marks a return to the top for the first time in seven years.
Impressive: The computer is faster than five of its nearest rivals and marks a giant leap forward in technology
Impressive: The computer is faster than five of its nearest rivals and marks a giant leap forward in technology
Developed at RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science in Kobe, Japan, the giant computer is housed in a climate-controlled, warehouse-like structure.
It consists of 672 cabinets filled with circuit boards containing almost 70,000 processors. A family computer or laptop uses a single processor.
The K supercomputer uses enough energy to power 10,000 homes and although its creators claim the machine is energy efficient, its running costs are put at £6m a year.
'Use of the K computer is expected to have a groundbreaking impact in fields ranging from global climate research, meteorology, disaster prevention, and medicine, thereby contributing to the creation of a prosperous and secure society,' a spokesman for the RIKEN institute said.
Fujitsu and RIKEN chiefs say the project had overcome difficulties posed by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that devastated the country's northeast Tohoku region.  
There are five U.S. supercomputers in the top-10 rankings, including the third-ranked Jaguar system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Others in the top ten include two machines from China, two from Japan and one from France.

Bugati Veron Sultan Johor

Royal Flush
With a base price of RM 5.2 million (USD 1.7 million), I don’t even want to guess how much this particular one cost. Said to be the first Bugatti Veyron to ever land in this country, this special blue-white version of the car is owned by the Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Ismail.
Powered by an 8-litre W16 quad-turbocharged engine that produces around 1001 horsepower, the Bugatti Veyron is able to reach from 0 to 100km/h in just 2.46 seconds and a top speed of more than 400 km/h which made it one of the fastest production cars in the world. Don’t even ask about its fuel consumption.

p/s:kayanya dia...@_@

Roller coaster paling dahsyat didunia

25 June 2011
Roller coaster paling curam di’dunia. Meluncur pada kelajuan minima 100km per jam. Track sepanjang 1000km. Kecuraman maksima 121 darjah. Jumlah masa untuk satu pusingan 112 saat.
Hanya di Fuji-Q Highland Amusement Park, Yamanash, Jepun bermula 16 Julai ini. Berani? Sumber: Daily Mail

kebenaran disebalik Ipad china

Akibat pembaikpulih yang mahal...maka.....

24 June 2011
Ever dreamed of taking revenge when you're cut up at the lights by a flashy sports car? 
Well these pictures will be a dream come true... a Porsche 911 riddled with 10,000 bullets.
The silver sports car was donated to an American gun club by a wealthy motorist who was fed-up with the vehicle's constant engine problems.
Scroll down for video
Shell shocked: The remains of a Porsche 911 sports car after it was hit with 10,000 bullets
Shell shocked: The remains of a Porsche 911 sports car after it was hit with 10,000 bullets
Look away now! The weapons used varied from hand guns to rifles to a twin M2 Browning machine gun and all but completely obliterated the car
Look away now! The weapons used varied from hand guns to rifles to a twin M2 Browning machine gun and all but completely obliterated the car
Destruction: The shooting event was hosted by gun rights group Commonwealth Second Amendment, based in Massachusetts
Destruction: The shooting event was hosted by gun rights group Commonwealth Second Amendment, based in Massachusetts
This silver Porsche 911 had suffered a number of problems to the engine and cooling system and was going to cost the owner more than $16,130 to put right.

So instead of fixing the sports car he gave it to Massachusetts' Commonwealth Second Amendment, which campaigns to 'reserve and expand the rights of gun owners' in north-east USA.
They teamed up with Northeast Shooters in New England and placed the Porsche in a makeshift 'no parking' spot on a shooting range before opening fire on the machine.
Aiming at the $96,800 motor, 140 members were permitted to shoot at will
Firing range: Aiming at the $96,800 motor, 140 members of the Commonwealth Second Amendment were permitted to shoot at will
Firing range: Aiming at the $96,800 motor, 140 members of the Commonwealth Second Amendment were permitted to shoot at will

No mercy: Men, women and children fired off more than 10,000 rounds using machine guns and automatic weapons to leave the Porsche a bullet-riddled shadow of its former self
No mercy: Men, women and children fired off more than 10,000 rounds using machine guns and automatic weapons to leave the Porsche a bullet-riddled shadow of its former self
Goodnight: The luxury car had suffered a number of problems to the engine and cooling system and was going to cost the owner more than $16,130 to put right
Goodnight: The luxury car had suffered a number of problems to the engine and cooling system and was going to cost the owner more than $16,130 to put right
Men, women and children fired off more than 10,000 rounds using machine guns and automatic weapons to leave the Porsche a bullet-riddled shadow of its former self.

The incredible pictures were taken at the weekend by video game animator John Beauchemin, who was one of the 140 people to fire weapons at the car.
He said: 'The car was 100 yards from the line, and we had lots of new and inexperienced shooters and people using pistols.
Shooter: The incredible pictures were taken at the weekend by video game animator John Beauchemin, who also fired at the car
Shooter: The incredible pictures were taken at the weekend by video game animator John Beauchemin, who also fired at the car
Ready for the junkyard: Even the spokes were shot off the wheel's alloys
Ready for the junkyard: Even the spokes were shot off the wheel's alloys

A closer look: Shooters gather around the car to admire their handy work
A closer look: Shooters gather around the car to admire their handy work
'We were accurate enough to shoot the spokes out of the wheels pretty quickly when someone suggested it.

'I managed to put a few rifled 12ga slugs into her myself - I just wanted to destroy something beautiful.
'Fun times were had by all - except the Porsche.'

baby car to bicycle baby car

A stroller with a secret
Very convenient and original.
This stroller-bicycle called TAGA conceived by Dutch designers as in Netherlands, bicycles are a preferable means of transport.

Hujan buatan untuk Dubai

It was an artificial rain !!
Done by the meteorological department at the national centre of meteorology and seismology (NCMS)
To remove the air pollution on Dubai’s atmosphere..
It is called ‘cloud seeding’ a latest technology to customise weather..
Cloud seeding, a form of weather modification, is the attempt to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds, by dispersing substances into the air that serve as cloud condensation or ice nuclei. The usual intent is to increase precipitation, but hail suppression is also widely practiced. Silver iodide and dry ice are the most commonly used substances in cloud seeding technology
An aircraft is putting dry ice on clouds which makes artificial rain
More rains are expected on these summer days…
Happy chilling out Dubai’ians!

Menghargai pengorbanan bapa lebih dari video ini

20 June 2011
Bahkkan lebih daripada video ini...
Selamat Hari Bapa..Moga Allah membalas pengorbananmu dengan Syurga Allah subhanahu wataala


17 June 2011
Kenapa kita perlu menyayangi ibu bapa kita?kenapa kita perlu menghormati ibu bapa kita?kenapa kita tidak boleh sama sekali berkata "uf @ ah" kepada ibu bapa kita?

Semua ini akan terjawab apabila kita sudah mendirikan rumahtangga kelak.setelah kita mendirikan rumahtangga,adakah kita mahukan anak kita tidak menghormati kita?Islam menitik berat perbuatan menyayangi keluarga terutamanya ibu bapa :

"..dan hendaklah kamu berbuat baik terhadap kedua ibu bapamu dengan sebaik-sebaiknya.Jika salah seorang diantara keduanya atau kedua-duanya sampai berumur lanjut dalam memeliharamu , maka sekali-seklai jangan kamu mengatakan kepada keduanya "ah" dan jangan menyinggung perasaan mereka dan ucapkan kepada mereka perkataan yang mulia" : Surah Al-Israq : 23.
 dan disambung dengan ayat seterusnya :
"dan rendahkanlah dirimu terhadap mereka berdua dengan penuh kesayangan dan ucapkanlah " wahai Tuhanku ,kasihanilah mereka keduanya , sebagaimana mereka berdua telah mendidik aku sewaktu kecil"Surah Al Israq :24
bahkan inilah yang diajar dalam islam..mendoakan kebaikan untuk keduanya dan doa ini biasa kita amalkan dalam kehidupan seharian..salah satunya doa memohon keampunan diri,ibubapa,keluarga ,sahabat dan umat islam keseluruhannya.

Moga Allah menjadikan kita seperti tokoh-tokoh yang menyintai ibu bapa kita seperti nabi musa dengan ibunya  , nabi Yaaqub yang mencintai yusuf (anaknya) dan lain-lain.AMIN~

Gerhana bulan di kaherah

Kebesaran Allah untuk membuktikan kepada hambanya yang sentiasa bersyukur.
setiap benda ada fungsinya..itulah ciptaan Allah untuk hambanya..bintang ternakkan untuk makan,anjing untuk berburu @ menjaga barang,motorsikal untuk ditunggang,matahari untuk pembesaran dan pemasan alam dan bulan adalah untuk mengawal pasang surut air dan taqwim islam.

Bersyukurlah kita dengan ciptaannya untuk kita dengan sentiasa bertasbih dan memuji kepadanya di waktu pagi dan petang.

Ciptaan Allah keatas makhluknya

07 June 2011
Lalu ketika mereka sudah cukup dewasa untuk bereproduksi, mereka akan berkumpul bersama-sama di suatu tempat di lautan .
Setelah berkumpul dalam jumlah puluhan ribu , mereka kemudian membagi dirinya berdasarkan spesies masing-masing, dan bersama-sama kembali ke sungai asal mereka ditetaskan , yang kadang jaraknya sejauh 1.600 kilometer dari tempat mereka hidup di lautan.
Perjalanan ini kadang mencapai waktu beberapa bulan. Yang mengagumkan adalah, sejak awal perjalanan panjang ini mereka sudah mulai berpuasa. Berdasarkan penelitian para ahli, ternyata justru lama puasa mereka inilah yang digunakan sebagai standar insting untuk menuntun mereka mengenali sungai asal mereka masing-masing.
Kandungan lemak ikan yang cukup tinggi di badan ikan Salmon Merah inilah, yang mereka gunakan sebagai persediaan makanan selama migrasi balik ini. Lalu setelah ini, setiap ikan Salmon Merah akan berusaha setengah mati melawan arus sungai deras, dengan berbagai macam halangan kayu-kayu kecil, batu-batu karang, segala macam binatang besar pemakan ikan salmon, hingga akhirnya dengan tubuh luka-luka dan kelelahan , mereka bisa mencapai hulu sungai tempat mereka ditetaskan pertama kali. Subhanallah…Maha Besar Allah !!!.
Ketika mereka sampai ke hulu sungai inilah, mereka akan otomatis bekerjasama pasangan jantan dan betina , untuk menggali suatu lobang tempat penetasan calon telur-telur ikan, dengan ekor mereka. Untuk menggali lobang yang kadang dalamnya sedalam 45 cm ini, ikan-ikan ini butuh waktu beberapa minggu. Kemudian sang betina akan meletakkan telur-telur yang berjumlah ribuan , dan sang jantan mengeluarkan sperma untuk membuahi telur-telur ini.
Setelah proses ini selesai, sang ibu akan menutupi lobang galiannya ini dengan lumpur yang cukup tebal.
Kemudian sepasang ikan ini akan tetap berenang di sekitar lubang ini, menunggu beberapa waktu hingga telur-telur ini menetas.
Saat ikan-ikan Salmon Merah kecil mendorong dirinya keluar dari lobang tempat penetasan ini, maka sang orang tua akan melihat anak-anaknya pertama dan untuk terakhir kalinya. Lalu matilah mereka, dalam keadaan berpuasa. Badan-badan ikan ini akan mengambang di permukaan air, lalu setelah beberapa lama akan turun ke dasar sungai, membusuk ,yang sebetulnya adalah bagian dari proses menjaga keseimbangan alam di dasar sungai.
Mereka mati setelah meninggalkan sekelompok generasi baru, yang harus mengalami proses kesukaran kembali ke lautan. Lalu setelah dewasa, anak-anak Salmon Merah ini mengulangi siklus yang sama seperti orangtuanya, dan mati dalam keadaan berpuasa.
Subhanallah…Maha Besar Allah !!!


Pencuri motor 6hb jun 2011 (Hayyu asyir)

06 June 2011
pencuri motorsikal membawa cutter besi dengan hasrat ingin mencuri motorsikal dengan menggunakan lori pickup warna putih menunggu di simpang.operasinya sama seperti dahulu.seorang menjaga diluar (cover line) seorang lagi buat projek.
namun operasi mencuri tergendala kerana alarm yang berbunyi..

p/s:lorry yang digunakan oleh pencuri ..walaupun tak nampak tetapi bentuknya seakan2 lori ini.

akhirnya pencuri dikesan melalui cctv toob el ramli

01 June 2011
berlaku pada hari rabu jam 3.30 pagi..namun dia bukan pencuri motosikal tetapi mencuri barang-barang yang berada diluar rumah..patut laa banyak kain perca aku dah hilang...diorang ambik rupanya..
lepas ni misi menangkap pencuri motosikal..bila laa agaknya nak dapat tangkap..@_@..harap2 semua pencuri dah dapat hidayah sebelum mencuri..kalo tak lunyai arab kerjakan..


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