disebalik PIALA DUNIA (FIFA 2010)

20 June 2010

jahbulon [www.niknasri.com]

Jahbulon was a ritual freemasonic god. Jahbulon represents the devil.

wcuo [www.niknasri.com]

Horus was a popular Egyptian god who was the son of Osiris and Isis. Osiris and Horus were both solar deities. Osiris was the setting sun, Horus the rising sun. The Pharoah was considered to be an incarnation of Horus (also known as “Amen-Ra,” the sun god). The story of Horus can be found in “The Egyptian Book of the Dead (also known as the “Papyrus of Ani”) written over 3,000 years before the birth of Jesus.

zionlogo2 [www.niknasri.com]

2012 = 2102 = ZION = ZION + IS + REAL = ZIONIS ISRAEL.

slideuiam [www.niknasri.com]



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